Tel : 031-788-7091
E-mail : kpda1978@naver.com
Address : 경기도 성남시 분당구 양현로 322, 코리아디자인센터 413호
© KPDA All rights reserved.

APD 서울 전시와 어워드
Asia Package Design Exbihition & Awards
Tel : 031-788-7091
E-mail : kpda1978@naver.com
Address : 경기도 성남시 분당구 양현로 322, 코리아디자인센터 413호
© KPDA All rights reserved.
APD 서울 전시와 어워드
Asia Package Design Exbihition & Awards
Better Impack
Application company: NStudioSiti Hanina Sharafina Kartika Putri
Art Direction: Siti Hanina Sharafina Kartika Putri
Designers: Siti Hanina Sharafina Kartika Putri
Design Concept:
A vision takes shape in our dreams – crafting packaging that honors the Earth's abundant grace. Once of the land, it journeys back to its origin, a poetic return. We take, and we also give, in a rhythmic exchange echoing nature's song. We aim to kindle inspiration and illustrate that embracing responsibility and mindfulness is a tangible choice, especially for design professionals. As designers, it's our role to unveil this potential. Yes, it may require a more significant investment, but could this not be a meaningful sacrifice for a lengthened stay in the sanctuary we know as home?