| Client: Tea Heaven
Art Direction: Rafidiono Rahmat Designers: Rafidiono Rahmat
Design Concept: From the mist of mountain to a cup of serenity. Tea Heaven's story started because good tea in Indonesia is mostly exported to international brands while the rest goes into the supermarket shelves, underpriced and undervalued. Therefore most of their teas are sourced locally, although 20% of them are imported to introduce other tea cultures worldwide. Tea Heaven introduces the world of tea, its culture, and its range. They aim to provide over hundred tea subtypes, which are categorized into 3 main types: green tea, black tea, and herbal tisanes. Inspired by nature and handicrafts from Sukabumi, West Java, Indonesia, we use eco-friendly material bamboo as packaging. We want to support new enterprise creation and the development of small and medium enterprises (SMEs), and how it can be enhanced through creative local economic, all the bamboo packaging was crafted by an Indonesian local crafter from Sukabumi, West Java. Tea Heaven expresses conjointly with ethics and point of view about human and nature. Nurtured by the misty clouds in the high altitude mountain in West Java area, plucked by the women early just right at sunrise, this tea is crafted as natural as possible and without any additional preservative. Through the dedication and quality of process, their tea will invite comfort for you. The illustration visualizes a place of a beautiful virgin tea garden in Sukabumi, West Java, Indonesia, on the top of the hills, with misty mountains, cold air, and wonderful farmers, thus we like to call this place tea heaven. |
Tea Heaven
Application company: Studio WoorkRafidiono Rahmat
Art Direction: Rafidiono Rahmat
Designers: Rafidiono Rahmat
Design Concept:
From the mist of mountain to a cup of serenity. Tea Heaven's story started because good tea in Indonesia is mostly exported to international brands while the rest goes into the supermarket shelves, underpriced and undervalued. Therefore most of their teas are sourced locally, although 20% of them are imported to introduce other tea cultures worldwide. Tea Heaven introduces the world of tea, its culture, and its range. They aim to provide over hundred tea subtypes, which are categorized into 3 main types: green tea, black tea, and herbal tisanes. Inspired by nature and handicrafts from Sukabumi, West Java, Indonesia, we use eco-friendly material bamboo as packaging. We want to support new enterprise creation and the development of small and medium enterprises (SMEs), and how it can be enhanced through creative local economic, all the bamboo packaging was crafted by an Indonesian local crafter from Sukabumi, West Java. Tea Heaven expresses conjointly with ethics and point of view about human and nature. Nurtured by the misty clouds in the high altitude mountain in West Java area, plucked by the women early just right at sunrise, this tea is crafted as natural as possible and without any additional preservative. Through the dedication and quality of process, their tea will invite comfort for you. The illustration visualizes a place of a beautiful virgin tea garden in Sukabumi, West Java, Indonesia, on the top of the hills, with misty mountains, cold air, and wonderful farmers, thus we like to call this place tea heaven.